Improving the Safety & Security of Your Rental Property
As the owner of a rental property, you want to have good tenants who will care for the property at least as well as you do. So, what are some things you can do to improve the safety and security of your rental property to set a good example? To improve the safety of...
Keeping Your Playground Safe
We've all heard the saying "it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt". Well, there are few areas where this is more true than in a backyard playground. If you are a loving parent or grandparent who owns playground equipment for your little loved ones, or if...
Thinking of Going Solar?
Harnessing the power of the sun used to be the subject of science fiction novels, but now, solar power has quickly become more accessible than ever before. In the last ten years, solar panel prices have dropped more than 80%. Have you given any thought to switching to...
Finding Power Draw With Thermal Imaging
While it's true that most people have been spending more time at home than ever before, some people have noticed that their energy bill has been higher than expected, even with this increased usage. If that's true for your property, is there anything you can do to...
The Surprising Impact of Dryer Exhaust
The everyday appliances that we all have in our homes are easy to take for granted. However, they are often some of the biggest contributors to the general wear and tear or significant maintenance issues that take place in a home. This can be the case due to the...
Painting Project Choices
A fresh coat of paint has long been a relatively simple and cost-effective way to make a room look brand new. Of course, it's nearly always better to hire a professional if you want the best possible results, but many people are a little bit shy when it comes to...
Working From Home
It seems that one thing that has changed forever as a result of this pandemic is how we do work. From small businesses to major corporations, many companies are encouraging their employees to work from home, if possible. If this is the case for you, you might want to...
Tips for Saving Money
As the country is seeing another wave of increased COVID-19 infections and subsequent restrictions, many states have been hit hard by economic uncertainty. While this isn't really a home inspection topic, we want to help in whatever way we can. As an example, here are...
What to do About Autumn Leaves
As seasons change and leaves start to turn colors, we can't help but think of the beauty in nature. But also, we can't help but think that someone's going to have to rake all these things up… One of the main reasons why we rake leaves is because extensive leaf cover...
Practical Tips for Preventing Burglary
The burglary of a home is a very real threat in nearly every part of the country. What can you do to help protect your home from this threat? First, you can take some practical steps to secure your home. Of course, you know that a security system and good locks on...